Jodi Ellen Malpas: The Brit


Pleasure has never been so deadly.

Rose Cassidy doesn’t truly live; she just exists. Numbing herself to fear and pain is the only way she can survive in this cruel world. So when she’s taken as collateral by the notorious Danny Black in a deadly game of power, she’s thrown by the deep fear she feels rising within her. And, worse than fear, a profound desire. She’s heard tales of The Brit. He’s callous. Coldblooded. But no one ever said he was wickedly beautiful and darkly captivating. He sees past her mask, giving her a cruel sense of hope. But she must fight their twisted attraction or risk losing the one thing she survives for.

When Danny Black took an enemy’s beautiful lover as security, he never anticipated the repercussions. Or the warped attraction they would share. Rose Cassidy pushes Danny to the brink of madness with her impenetrable façade and savage allure. He has to remind himself that she’s bait. A solution to a problem. Yet she evokes powerful feelings in Danny, and feelings are risky when you’re wanted dead by endless enemies.

The most dangerous game is about to be played.

But can either of them win?


Nekem nagyon tetszett! Annyira sajnáltam, hogy nem nagyon volt időm olvasni, így mindig le kellett tennem. Tuti gyorsan kivégeztem volna a könyvet, ha nem lettek volna ilyen sűrű napjaim.

A szereplők tragikus, szomorú múltja meghatározta a jelenüket. Rose gyerekkora, fiatalkora megpecsételte a jövőjét. Egy bűnöző bábuja lett, és szörnyű dolgokat kellett átélnie. Danny-vel Vegasban találkozott, amikor is a jóképű maffiavezér "elvette" őt a szeretőjétől. Rose két tűz közé került. Biztos volt benne, hogy meg fogják ölni, ha nem Danny, akkor az akitől a parancsokat kapja. De persze bekavar a képbe kettejük vonzalma. 

Danny-t a könyv elején egy jóképű, de ugyanakkor rideg bűnözőként ismerhetjük meg, aki most örökölte meg apja birodalmát. Tipikus rosszfiú, és tényleg az: gyilkol, fegyverekkel kereskedik, kétes alakokkal bizniszel. Tehát nem egy leányálom. Először tisztán csak vonzalom volt a két főhősünk között, a bonyodalom akkor kezdődött, amikor már nem tudtak ellenállni egymásnak. 

Mivel a történet kettős nézőpontból íródott, pontosan láthattuk, mennyire nem akartak egymással összegabalyodni. Próbáltak egymástól távol maradni, de idővel ez nem sikerült. Nagyon tetszett hogy mindkettejük gondoltait olvashattam, mert így jobban megismertem a szereplőket. Nagyon jó volt olvasni az átalakulásukat, ahogy elmélyültek az érzelmeik, ami számukra új volt.

A szexjelenetek durvák voltak, de szerintem nagyon illett a főszereplőhöz. Meg is lepődtem volna, ha egyből egy érzéki, finomkodó szerető lett volna.

A sztori érdekes volt, agyafurt, izgalmas. Tetszett nagyon. 

Nem igazán találok a történetben hibát, ajánlom azoknak akik szeretik Jodi Ellen Malpas könyveit, bár ez egy kicsit "sötétebb" mint a többi. 5*

És még egy utolsó mondat... a borító nekem nagyon bejön! 😍


My Review:

I loved this book so much! I didn't have much time so it took ages to finish it. I was sad when I had to put down the book. If I didn't have a lot of work I would have finished it in record time.

The heroes had tragic pasts, both of them. Their childhood had a huge affect on their present. Rose went trough a lot awful things, and now she is a criminal's puppet. She met with Danny in Vegas, when the handsome guy took her from her lover. Danny was a criminal too, so Rose trapped between too criminals. She knew Danny or her "boss" were going to kill her sooner or later. But everything changed because of their attraction.

Danny was a handsome, but cold criminal in the beginning of the story, who inherited his father's kingdom. He was a tipical bad guy: he kills, deals with weapons, makes business  with shady people.

They were attracted to each other from the beginning, but everything became more interesting when they couldn't resist each other. The story was written in alternate point of views so we saw that they really didn't want to be together, they were trying to stay away from each other, but failed. I loved reading both of their thoughts, I became to know them more, and it was really good to read how their feelings changed, these feelings were new to both of them.

I’ve fallen in love with the monster. I should ask myself how, but the answer is very easy. He sees me. Feels what I feel. Thinks how I think. And that makes what I’m going to do to him unforgiveable. Yet, I really do not have a choice.

The sex scenes were rough but fitted perfectly to the hero. I would have been surprised if he had been a sweet lover.

We’re toxic all on our own. Together, we’re poison.

I loved the plot, it was exciting.

I can't say any negative thing about the book. I recommend this book to every Jodi Ellen Maplas fan, however this book is darker than her other books. 5*

One last sentence... I absolutely love the cover, it's so hot! 😍


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